Why You Should Travel with Your Partner

Let me start by saying: travelling with your partner is an absolute must in your relationship if you can. Whether it's a month backpacking in Indonesia, or four days in Berlin, you should expose your relationship to the tests and revelations of travel. Riley and I started travelling together very early on in our relationship... Continue Reading →

The Horses of GaPa in Photos

Garmisch-Partenkirchen (or GaPa, as it's known by locals), in Bavaria, Germany, has many wonderful places located around the town. The most enchanting find for us however, were the horses we discovered - halfway up a mountain. Since we spent a great deal of time in the mountain glade with the horses, I've dedicated a post... Continue Reading →

Beach Yoga in Barcelona

Beach yoga has been on my list (alongside goat yoga) for a long time. Now, I’m no yogi myself, but I’m always keen to try new things, so when I saw Zlata’s Beach Yoga class on Barcelona Beach, I decided to book myself in for a session. Yoga has been something I’ve always thought would... Continue Reading →

How to Stay Healthy While Travelling

I think one of my biggest travelling fears has to be getting sick while away. It's happened to me more than once, and I'm sure we can all agree, even getting something as simple as a common cold can make enjoying a trip a little more difficult. For this reason, I take extra precautions, and... Continue Reading →

Back To It

As you may have noticed, there’s been a bit of a gap since I last wrote. I am here to inform you however, that after a little break - I’m back to blogging! The reason for the lack of posts has been a combination of things; a busy travel schedule, personal reasons, Riley and I... Continue Reading →

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